Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Bullying Experiment

Today's post will stand on this video - "The bullying Experiment"

I found this video very useful for my blog. That's one of the topics that I want to open. Bullying is not only problem between victim and attacker. Everyone around take part in it too! And here we saw I really good example what mostly people will do, if they see someone's bullying? Go away or not to touch them or try to pretend that you didn't see anything. That's the problem of our world! People want the problem being solved, but they don't do anything for it. I think that we should talk less and do more! 
Just promise to yourselves that if you'll see someone's bullying-help him, cause in that way you can maybe save someone's life. Don't be indifferent to it! Because it can happens to everyone. 

This is one of the sculptures from the group called "Children are the Victims of Adult Vices" located in Moscow, Russia. This one clearly represents most people in bullying problem. Indifference kills Humans in us.

Thanks for inspiration to this site 

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