Who am I ?


Hello, blogger!

I appreciate that you decided to read my blog. And , I think, after knowing the topic of my blog you want to learn who am I.
My name is Nadiya. I'm from Ukraine, but now I live in USA in South Carolina as an exchange student. I'm pretty young - I'm 15.
I love roller blading, bicycling, playing the piano, dancing, playing in the theater. I love animals very much, I even volunteered in the animal shelter in Ukraine, for me environment is very important, so I'm trying to help to solve problems by volunteering cleaning beaches, forests, I gave some lessons in school about it, I'm a vegetarian. Also I love teaching, that's my hobby and in future I want to be a teacher.
I love reading a lot. I love classics and detectives. My favorite writers are Brown and Aitmatov.
I spend in the internet a lot of my free time. Maybe because I have a lot of friends who live in another countries and social networks are the fastest and easiest way to communicate. I use Facebook, Skype, Vkontakte.
Here I uploaded photos of my volunteering in camps and in competitions. Make Your life as bright and interesting as you can. Try to reach your goals and never give up!

I think that's all for now. I hope it was interesting! You can contact with me in Gmail at any time =)

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