Saturday, January 11, 2014

Maybe your apology will save someone’s life?

Everyone knows that very often bullying in schools and in society at all causes suicide among teenagers. According to official statistic every year 1 100 000 people end their lives with suicide. Impressive, isn’t it? On the first place is China: 300 000 people, then India: 160 000.I was shocked to find Russia and Ukraine on 4th and 7th places: 30 000 and 10 000. It’s very high rate of suicide: 21 person per each 100 000 ( to compare, in Azerbaizhan this rate is 0.6 person per each 100 000)
Suicide among teenagers in last 10 years increased in 3 times! Every year in Ukraine and Russia every 12th teenager tries to commit a suicide. The rate of teenager’s suicide in these two countries is higher than world’s average in 2.7 times. 
Why did I give you all this statistic? Because we all know the fact of suicide among teenagers, but we never think how high it is. Bullying is not just problem which causes psychological problems, it causes death. 
Will we let this suicide rate continue growing or we will do something to fight with this problem? Let’s start from ourselves:  think about those , to whom you said bad words, put- downs,  maybe you hit someone… and next time go to them and say “sorry”- one word that will change the world.

“ Maybe your apology will save someone’s life?” 

P.S. Thanks this site for statistics

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